
Monday, August 31, 2009

Sleeping ... or not

I love this new blog theme. Fun and pretty. And I'm updating from the phone, which makes my little heart sing. I'm trying to get away with never getting on an actual computer again.

This reminds me of a story. A while ago, Jeremy and I were watching the History Channel. I was interested in looking something up online but not enough to get up. Jeremy said, if only we had a portable computing device." To which I replied, "my phone is upstairs." he looked at me like I was crazy. My laptop was on the floor next to the couch.

Anyway, Jamey slept great last night, but is being a little stinker again tonight. Ugh! It's been a long month of weird sleep for both kiddos. I don't think it's teeth because motrin isn't really helping. Now I'm wondering if he's legitimately hungry. I'm making a few feeding changes and we'll see if that helps.

In potty news, ivy has gone on the potty chair a few more times. It's all very exciting.

Our last bitof super exciting news is that Jamey is big enough for and likes the burley. We've been out biking everyday. I love it!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I did it!

Ivy was downstairs watching a show while I was upstairs giving Jamey some food. She yelled up to me, "I did it!" I ran down to see what she did. She was carrying the insert to the potty chair up to me. She had peed on her own!!!

losing my cool

After two years of parenting, I lost it today for the first time. We've been trying to potty train off and on. Ivy's been sick for a few days, puking and pooping everywhere. She's whiny and clingy. She won't go to bed well. She cries at naps (if she takes one), screams her head off at bedtime, but is cranky and ack to be around. I hollered at her for peeing on the floor. Full blown yell.  At first, I didn't even feel bad. It felt great. I was frustrated and really annoyed. Now that it's been an hour or so, I know that it would've been better to take myself on a little break to the deck for a Happy Gilmore moment. I did manage to calm down, get Jamey down for a nap, give Ivy a bath, and rock her peacefully.

And not that potty training isn't going okay. She peed in the potty chair twice this morning. She was diaperless and told me, "poopy." I put her on the chair, and she peed. The second time, she said, "potty" and sat down on her own and peed. She's doing great!

I think I need to blog more often as a kind of talk therapy.