
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Not Doing Things "Right"

I joined the Y last week. And I like taking the kids to swim or "play with friends" in the afternoons. I like quiet mornings to do baths, breakfast, chores, AM nap. All the parenting info I read says that kids should be active right away in the morning. Why? I don't know. To help balance out their huge pool of energy. To get the day off to a good start. To keep them eating well. It's like the church advocating doing devotions in the morning before your day starts so you can focus on Christ all day. Or fitness gurus telling you to get up and run first thing in the morning.

I hate exercising in the morning. I can't focus on reading while the kitchen floor is filthy. And I hate rushing in the morning to get the kids to the pool. So I don't do life in the order that the experts tell me to, but it's great this way. I can go to a fitness class at 4:15 when I've hit the wall and am ready for Daddy to come home. Jamey isn't awake long enough in the morning to justify going out. We get long stretches in the afternoons and evenings to do activities. I'm picking up a devo book to do at dinner or bedtime, because it's the only time we're all home.

This is one time I'm telling the experts to shove it. Our life works great like this, and I love it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bored Blogging

It's like drunk dialing.

I have nothing interesting to say. There's nothing more to read or do or look at on the internet. Jeremy is playing some racing game, and I'm tired of watching movies. I'm even all House-d out. The kids are sleeping. I should be stitching. But here I sit with my glass of milk and a cookie and my computer.

Jamey bites. All the time. I have started cringing when he's nursing because I know sooner or later those little razor blade teeth are going to try to cut my nipple right off. And now I think he's using biting as a cue that he's done. When he bites, I take it out of his mouth. Has he learned that that's what he should do? If he keeps biting I don't know if I'll continue much beyond one year. I'd quit now if I didn't have to buy formula. Except I'll miss it. I wish Ivy still nursed. I love all that sweet cuddle time. So I'll keep it up for a few more months and see where we're at.

I should be going in for a face-to-face interview for a contract position this week. It'd just be working on short projects here and there, but the extra money would be nice. I wonder how to charge: hourly or by project?

I'm starting to think about Christmas shopping. A challenge to that is that we have six family birthdays in October and November. But I have some shopping done already, and ideas for a few other gifts.

I have LOADS of ideas for the kids and Jeremy. Now I need an unlimited supply of money so I don't have to pick. :)

Off to find something for Ezra's birthday.

Busy days here

Jamey had surgery the other day and is healing well. He's still taking tylenol and motrin off and on, but he's handling it well.

We're waiting until the end of the week, to hopefully get the quarterly bonus, so we can book our trip to Florida.

Otherwise, there's not a whole lot going on except normal things. Going to play group at the Parenting Oasis, making cookies, playing, coloring, watching House, and wishing for snow.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

what's going on?

You know a tv show is good if you can start Facebooking and blogging while you watch. :) The Biggest Loser could be a radio show.

We're keeping ourselves busy these days. The Arks came over the other day. Ivy loves Maia! And those twins are so adorable. And we've visited Baby Sonny who is also growing and growing.

We are looking at joining the new YMCA in Prior Lake. We went swimming during the open house over the weekend. Now we have a three-day pass. I dropped the kids off at the kids place and got in 70 minutes on the treadmill and elliptical machine before I got called down there. Jamey was pretty sad, and Ivy needed a new tushie. I was thrilled to get that time alone! I'm going to try to get to a class tomorrow and then take the kiddos swimming.

Jamey pulled up to standing the other day ... twice. And he's gotten from lying on the floor to sitting. Just a couple times. Oh! And he's getting up on his hands and knees all the time and rocking. I think he'll be crawling by Thanksgiving.

Speaking of which, we are going to Miami for a week or so. I'm so excited to see the Stones and watch the kids play together.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Big Girl Bed

We have taken the crib down, and Ivy has her own bed now. The queen that used to be in our room. Jeremy's pretty excited about a big bed in there, because he usually ends up going in with her during the night. Ivy slept in a twin at my mom's house every night last week and was very excited about it.

Going to Grandma's

On Wednesday morning, Ivy kept asking, "I want Noah. I want Ezra." When we were getting ready to leave for playgroup, I asked her if she wanted to go play with friends. She said, "No, I want Rilla." After a couple phone calls, we drove up to Osakis instead of to the Parenting Oasis.

We didn't do much up there. Marilla and I got pedicures and watched "The Importance of Being Earnest."

Auntie Jenny flew in from PA on Saturday, so we all had dinner over at Stu's. Hailey and Kylie were there for Ivy to play with. I didn't see her at all the three hours we were there. They had a great time. She came upstairs covered in band aids.

Our little adventure was a quick trip to the ER. Ivy bit off and stuck a pencil eraser up her nose. The dr. felt it and then when he looked couldn't find it, so he figured Ivy swallowed it.