
Monday, August 29, 2011

Maple Grove Tri review

I'm not writing race reviews because I'm not racing. But I have to say, the Maple Grove Triathlon was disappointing at best.

  1. It's a lousy race venue. I don't like having to park 2 miles away and shuttle over. It wasn't "bad" but it wasn't easy--I was lugging our BOB duallie and three kids. The entire Weaver Lake Park is a valley--so there are hills everywhere you want to go. Hills and stairs. It was impossible to see the swim start because it was a good 15 feet down the hill--the hill that was cordoned off so no one could get down there. So, I had to figure out where the run from the lake to transition was to watch Jeremy come out of the water. HOWEVER, we couldn't hear the announcer and had no idea when he got in the water, so we didn't know when he'd be coming out. Impossible to see anything.

  2. Pickle Events had some kind of lapse in functionality because Jeremy doesn't have a bike split. And his run time is listed as 10 hours. And it's not just him. Lots of people are missing times or they just are wrong. That's super annoying.

  3. CLIX Portrait Studio has a lousy way of organizing official race photos--they're listed by clock time. No reference to race numbers at all. So, if you want to find pictures of your husband or Chris MACCA racing, you have to know what time they biked past the photographer. It's stupid.

  4. I think having 3 races going on was dumb and confusing. There was no way to tell if the guys coming in were really fast Olympic racers or slow Sprint racers. AND for the love of all that is common sense, WHY IN THE WORLD, did five heats have on the same swim cap color? How am I supposed to find my husband in an orange cap if there are women in orange caps? Or two groups of orange caps swimming at the same time? DUMB DUMB DUMB.

So, I hope Jeremy doesn't want to do this race again. It's always fun to watch him race, but I don't want to go back to this one. Minneapolis Duathlon for him next year!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2 weeks

Livy is two weeks old, and gosh, this is pretty easy. She just fits right into our family like she's been here forever. Ivy loves her and wants to hold her all the time. Jamey does not like when she cries, but he does like playing with her "wittow ears." I'm trying to make sure to spend some time with those two but mostly Livy just wants me to hold her.

Jeremy goes back to work on Monday. I'm nervous about that, but at least I don't have things that MUST be done.

My sister has moved in with us while she starts law school. She unloads the dishwasher and folds laundry and makes dinner.

I'm eager to get started losing the baby weight. And we're thinking about running the Fargo Marathon in May. I haven't done much of anything in about a year. I'll have to start with the Couch to 5k and then move up from there.

Time to cuddle with my sweet new girl!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things I'm looking forward to

1. Having my body back, even if I'm soft and overweight for a while.
2. Not itching. I've been itching like crazy this pregnancy--my arms, neck, shoulders. The only thing that seems to help is standing in the shower or living in the freezing basement.
3. The second this baby is born, the heartburn goes away.
4. Being able to get off the couch without grunting and heaving and wishing for a forklift.
5. Wearing shoes that tie.

6. Which is really Number One: Holding our new baby and smelling how sweet she is.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Watching TV and movies

I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to get the DVR from the cable company. With two kids, I have about 90 minutes to myself at night, and I don't always want to spend it watching TV. And with all the training Jeremy's been doing, it just doesn't seem worth it. However, I think the fall season is starting up, and I'd love to watch new episodes without have to actually know when the shows are on.

Hmmm, what to do with Netflix?