Midnight - 6am
Livy finally fell asleep at midnight, so I went to bed. Jamey came in our bed at 2am. Ivy followed at about 2:15. At 2:30, I took them both back to their beds. Livy is teething, so she's not as comfortable sleeping. She nursed a couple times during the night.
6am - Noon
Ivy woke up at 7 and came in our room. Checked my email, facebook and blogs on the phone while Ivy looked out the window and played with the condensation. We got up at 7:30. Unloaded the dishwasher. Got breakfast for her. Noticed Jeremy forgot his lunch. Because he's trying to not lose any more weight, texted with him about getting lunch to him. Decided to play at the Eden Prairie Mall. Packed the diaper bag. Moved the jogging strollers out of the car and put in the “mall stroller.” Put on makeup, did my hair, got Ivy dressed, combed her hair. Jamey woke up. Read three books to them. Changed Jamey's diaper. Got him breakfast. Got myself dressed. Made the beds. Got Livy dressed. Nursed her. Got Jamey dressed. Found my car keys. Contemplated a car wash. Put Jamey in timeout for screaming while I start this. Leave the house at 9:30 to get lunch to Jeremy before his long day of meetings starts. Feed the fish. Drop off Jeremy's lunch. Sit while the kids play at the mall. Make a dentist appt for me—the fillings I got awhile ago are killing me. Walk to Barnes & Noble to look through K curriculum while the kids play with the Thomas table. Take Ivy potty. Nurse Livy. Wrangle the kids out of the mall and away from the food court.
Noon - 6pm
Drive toward home. Get a car wash. Pick up cheese rollups for the kids. Install the convertible car seat for Livy. Eat a yogurt. Take a grapefruit out to eat. Livy starts screaming. Try to nurse Livy down for a nap. While doing that, decide to send the kids out to play and run while they're outside. Aha! Livy doesn't go to sleep! I guess I'll send the kids outside anyway and clean up until Livy goes down for a nap. Eat that grapefruit. Change diapers. Get the kids dressed in snow stuff and send them outside. Pick up basement and upstairs. Pick up Livy's toys. Wipe down kitchen counters and table. Dust living room. Find my sunglasses. Look up Vitacost.com. Turn on Pandora. Clean the bathroom while holding Livy because she cries every time I put her down. Mediate a fight between the kids about pushing each other down the hill on a sled. Get Livy happy in the exersaucer, so maybe I can sweep. Sweep & mop the kitchen & living room. Put those rooms back together. Put on my running clothes because then I'll be ready to run when Livy goes down for a nap. Help kids pick up toys outside. Find almond loaf pan & recipe in case I want to make that tonight. Wipe down the deck doors. Start a blog post about vitamins. Nurse Livy. Get annoyed that she doesn't fall asleep. Put the kids' snow stuff away. Get the mail. Put away the sleds. Put a sweet potato in the microwave. Order vitamins for me. Put extra toilet paper in the kitchen bathroom. Eat sweet potato. Fold & put away a load of laundry. Wash Ivy's swimming suit and deck curtains. Turn on Sprout for the kids—hoping to sit for a few minutes while the washer goes and maybe Livy will eventually take nap so I can get on the treadmill. What should we have for dinner?? Rescue Livy from "pretending to walk" with Ivy. Put away art supplies. Start the "Santa Clause" movie for the kids. Set the table for dinner. Aside from salad, I have no idea what we're having. Livy is crying, so maybe she'll finally take a nap. Put curtains & swimming suit in the dryer. Finally got Livy to sleep at 4:30. Decided to make quesadillas and rice for dinner. 30 minutes on the treadmill!! There is nothing like a workout to calm me down. Whew!
Closed the curtains. Got the rice cooking. Shredded cheese. Took a shower. Livy woke up. Got the dark clothes downstairs to the washing machine. Got Livy's bath stuff together. Mediate another fight about toys. Pick up the playroom. Nurse Livy. Change her diaper.
6pm - Midnight
Cut Livy's fingernails. Read through the ABC Scrapbooks from Auntie Bethany. Jeremy got home!! Make quesadillas. Eat dinner. Clean the kitchen. Track daily calories. Bathe Livy and get her dressed. Put dark clothes in dryer. Iron and hang deck curtains. Hold sad baby. Give her tylenol. Hold sleeping baby while she naps for 45 minutes. Play Tiny Tower on the phone. Feed the fish. Drink some Emergen-C. Start the dishwasher. Fold load of laundry. Pacify still sad baby. Watch TV. Take Livy to bed at 10. Hope she stays asleep tonight!
And that's a day in my life. Whew!
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