
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Twins & Tigers

Although we are not really baseball fans and it seems impossible to take three little kids to a game, we did take the kids to the last home game of the season. 

About halfway through the game, I took Ivy & Jamey to get ice cream cones. We ate most of the cones before we got back to our seats, because they were big and I didn't know about handling Livy with the cones. As soon as she saw them, she grabbed Ivy's and wouldn't give it back. So Jeremy took Ivy back to get another cone. This is important: he took the rest of the cash with him. So, the cotton candy guy comes by, and Jamey gives him the two quarters from his pocket and asks for cotton candy. The guy said, "Do you have any more?" Jamey shook his head and got these huge sad eyes and frowny face. The guy asked if it was okay and gave Jamey a bag of cotton candy for free. I think Jamey even hugged him. 

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