
Monday, January 26, 2009

Miracles do happen

I have added new pictures to the Solt Gallery. I'm not going to add pictures from things that happened months ago, but I had some cute potty training pics and a few fun ones from swimming lessons. Maybe I'll try to update the gallery when I write the News.

Now if only I could get our video edited. :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Potty Training pt 1

Ivy knows when she has to go to the bathroom and the other night told us. As we rushed her naked butt to a diaper, she peed on the floor and was UNHAPPY about it. That little episode preceded this morning's attempt to potty train. And my desire to not have two in diapers. I almost would rather wipe a little pee off the floor than change another diaper. I haven't had to clean up poop off the floor yet, but I'm sure that would change my mind about not diapering her. Anyway, I am not in the mood to potty train. She drank two cups of milk this morning and cried if I even got her close to the potty chair. She loved the M&Ms that were around to tempt her into peeing on the potty. The last straw was when she squatted down in the kitchen and peed on the floor. Thankfully, she was still pretty upset about it, pulled a towel off the stove and tried to wipe it up. She is a cutie pie!! However, a diaper went straight on that adorable tushie, and Mommy is going to eat the rest of the M&Ms during nap time. I think I'll let my mom handle the potty training when Jamey's born. :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

The gallery

I haven't updated our gallery in ages and ages. I know I need to. I also need to get our video edited and posted. Oh, and I'm trying to finish a stitching project before Jamey's born. And Jeremy & I just volunteered to create a website for my dad, who is expanding his business.

I'm 34 weeks along now and only have a few left. 3-6. It's coming so quickly! I'm getting very excited to hold a new baby again.