
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

OB appt (9 weeks)

Knowing that we are moving home has made the decision about where do to some prenatal appointments maybe easier or harder. I was hoping to see the midwives at the Hollywood Birth Center, but they only do "the whole thing." You pay the fee and that's that. Because I won't have the baby there, it didn't make sense to pay $4,200 for three prenatal visits and an ultrasound.

So, I picked an OB off the insurance website and called. They wanted me to come in right away, so I went this morning. I'm 9-1/2 weeks along, so it's too early to hear the heartbeat, and he didn't do any lab work. I left a "sample," talked about my history, and made a joke about drinking.

The questionnaire asked if I "drink everyday," and I circled "yes." Of course, I drink every day. Who doesn't?? Then I realized they probably weren't asking about water and milk. :)

The OB explained their process is to Establish Pregnancy for the insurance company at the first visit. I'll go back next week to do all the lab work. And he wants to do an ultrasound, but I don't know what for. I might skip that one. It seems unnecessary.

A scolding

I've been scolded about not blogging about this:

We're moving back to MN; we should be back in our house the first week of May.

Someone plan a welcome home party because I think Becky's looking for a reason to make an awesome cake!

A trip to the dentist

Jamey has a habit of falling on his face. A couple weeks ago, he fell off the couch (while he was lying down), he smashed his face into the floor running, and then tripped and hit the floor again. Three times in three days. One of the times he knocked his right front tooth loose. I gave it a week to tighten up, but he still won't take bits on it and cries "ouch" all the time. So we went to the dentist yesterday.

Jamey screamed the whole time but the dentist and the nurses were very nice and caring. Turns out he has an extra tooth. And the tooth that is loose has no root so it's going to fall out "long before he's six." He still seems like he's in pain, so he's eating mostly soft food--oatmeal, Mac & cheese, yogurt, and applesauce. We'll go back in a month to get it rechecked.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ING Half Marathon

I'm not doing the half marathon in a couple weeks, and I'm surprised at how much that bothers me. I'm barely pregnant, and already this baby is changing my body and my plans. The week before I did the test, I ran seven miles and felt great. Last weekend, I ran 1/4 mile and then puked. My bod is just different, and I have to accept it. But I'm annoyed.