
Friday, February 3, 2012

Birth and Parenting Resources

I have worked hard to find wonderful resources that have helped me be confident in our pregnancy, birth & parenting decisions, and I thought I'd share them with you. 

Birth Classes
Bradley: We did Bradley classes and learned so much about how birth happens. The relaxation techniques were invaluable during labor. The best thing I took from this class is that birth is normal and my body knows how to do it. And don't fight against what my body wants to do.
Birthing from Within

Birth and Postpartum Doulas
Childbirth Collective: This doula group in the Twin Cities is amazing! They have so much to offer pregnant couples about birth education and doula services. Their Parent Topic Nights helped us decide to hire a doula and to know what to look for. 

Finding a Midwife
MN Families for Midwifery
Minnesota Birth

Yoga, Massage, Classes
Spinning Babies: I've seen Gail at the Twin Cities Birth & Baby Expo; watching her do belly mapping is amazing. She can tell how your baby is lying and give you tips on how to get the baby in good position for birth. 
Twin Cities Birth & Baby Expo: This event is in October and has been at Midtown Global Market. I've enjoyed talking to birth educators, doulas, and LLL leaders here. I bought some Discovery Toys, Usborne Books, and Baby Legs. Plus, there's yoga, a blessingway, Spinning Babies, and henna. 
Marriage Geek: Offers some parenting/marriage classes specifically designed for couples with young kids. Her Positive Parenting for a Happy Family, Healing Birth Stories, Parenting in Partnership, and Amazing Marriage classes are life-changing. 

Books to Read
A Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer: Every pregnant women should be required to read this book. Seriously. 

Every book available by Dr. Sears (Pregnancy Book, Birth Book, Breastfeeding Book, Baby Book, Vaccine Book, Attachment Parenting Book, Baby Sleep Book, Fussy Baby Book)

Movies to Watch
The Business of Being Born
Orgasmic Birth
In the Womb by National Geographic

Breastfeeding Support
Le Leche League: My local LLL group has been such a great help to me through thrush, mastitis, newborn nursing, introducing foods, and weaning. One pitfall, at least with my local group, is lack of support for working moms & pumping issues. I went to meetings for almost two years both for my own education and then to help other moms. Good stuff. 

The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears: I found this book instrumental in helping us decide how and when to vaccinate our kids. I still use it as a resource before their well-checks. 

Attachment Parenting
Twin Cities API yahoo group: I wish every parent in every city had access to this group. It's a bunch of Attachment Parents in the Twin Cities. They offer play groups, mom's night out, parents night out, partners night out, monthly support meetings, an annual camping trip, and online support like you wouldn't believe. There are car seat experts, doulas, midwives, homeopathic doctors, chiropractors, nutritionists, teachers, etc. Experts in everything imaginable related to pregnancy, birth, and parenting ... even marriage therapists. And they're all on common ground when it comes to a parenting style. I've gotten more advice from this group than anywhere else. 

Gentle Discipline

PPD Support

Helpful Websites

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