
Saturday, April 28, 2012

What is Ivy doing?

Swimming lessons
She swims once a week at Foss. She's in Middle 4, learning to do the breaststroke and butterfly. She tries really hard and wants to do whatever her teacher tells her to. At the end of the Winter Session, she had a breakthrough. She had been struggling to listen, to do the strokes (at that point she was learning freestyle, backstroke and side-breathing). One day, she just got it. She did it all and made it look easy. Since then, she's just been attacking everything at lessons full force. 

We cut paper into quarters to make scrap paper. Sometimes, it's been drawn on (on the backside). She has gone through about 20 sheets of paper this week (80 squares)--she uses paint, markers, crayons, or this glitter paint from her Easter basket. We constantly need more coloring books and art supplies. 

Riding her bike
Last summer, she was pretty nervous about riding her bike and didn't want to go down the slope at the end of the driveway. This spring, she's gung-ho. She rides that Princess Bike up and down the driveway, the street, and all the way across the school parking lot. And she's getting speedy. We need to teach her about the brakes, because she drags her shoes on the ground to stop. She has a princess helmet, a princess bell, and a pink & white basket. It's super cute.

Kicking the soccer ball around
She has just brought out the soccer ball this week and has been kicking the ball up & down the driveway for 20 minutes at a time. 

Hitting the T-ball
She has been out with our neighbor Sam and his son playing "baseball" a few times. She's a good hitter! I looked for t-ball for her, but it's all started already. Here's hoping there's something through the city this summer. 

Imaginary Play
Ivy loves to play house. I think she likes to be the baby, but every once in a while I hear her be the mom (she wears her doll sling and shushes her baby). She also likes to make food in her kitchen and have picnics on the floor.

She's been on some runs with me (and Jeremy or Bethany). She ran 1/3 mile the other day without stopping at all. And even though she was visibly tired, she kept going. She's excited to try a Kid Race next summer. 

Ivy has finished the preschool and kindergarten workbooks from Sing, Spell, Read & Write. And she's done a few Disney preschool workbooks that I picked up at Barnes & Noble. She doesn't like to sit down to read much, but she does like doing the workbooks. 

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